Abstract: Keeping track of attendance while engaging students in the classroom may be tough, especially when the class is big. The conventional method of calling pupils' names is tedious and time-consuming, and proxy attendance is always a possibility. To address this problem and maintain track of students' attendance, a smart attendance management system (SAMS) using face recognition and location has been presented. The traditional method is replaced with a mobile application, which eventually reduces the use of pen and paper. The application needs to be installed on the mobile by the student. The application will serve as a user interface that can be accessed by teachers, students, and admins. Overall attendance can be viewed by students using face recognition, and their statistical data is also presented in the application. Each student can be tracked using a unique user ID, and the student's presence can be recognized using GPS coordinates, typically longitudes and latitudes.

Keywords: Smart Attendance, Face Recognization, Gio Location.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2024.13725

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