Abstract: In WSN, reliable and efficient routing protocol is among the main technologies which have attracted various researchers. In WSN, for the routing purpose, the random selection of cluster heads is done. In this CH arbitrary selection in the low energy efficient clustering algorithm, the nodes’ residual energy, location of node and density of node are not taken into account. Via theoretical inference as well as mathematical calculation, it has been found that it is NP – hard problem. In order to address this issue, various approaches were proposed. The quantum ABC algorithm was proposed for WSN, which was considered as an efficient technique. This approach has been analyzed and it is founded that it does not lead to major enhancement in the system. Also, the factor those are considered as the fitness factors are only the distance factor. Whereas network stability is dependent on other factors also such as energy, etc. Therefore, for enhancing the existing system for obtaining efficient results, the algorithm based on MFO is introduced in this paper. Moreover, the other fitness factors are also considered i.e. residual energy and communication energy. The proposed approach’s performance is assessed by considering different performance parameters. The results has been obtained which demonstrates that proposed approach is efficient than conventional one.
Keywords: Wireless Sensor Network, Energy Efficient Routing Protocols, MFO Algorithm