Abstract: Fifth generation mobile technology expanded as 5g technology. starting from generation 1g to 2.5g and 3g to 5g. It has seen an great increase in technology. Based on mobile computing our day to day life changes. This paper displays increase in generation of mobile communication with 5th generation technology.5th generation network gives users affordable broadcast wireless connectivity also known as high speed connectivity. But the 5g term is not legally used. 5g is mainly used in development on worldwide wireless web.5th generation mainly targets on voice over IP(voIP)enable devices in which user can obtain high level call volume and data transmission.5th generation fulfill all needs which are required by the customers. The main target of 5G is the customer who want advanced feature in cellular phones. The main aim of 5G is to connect to multiple wireless technologies. This upgraded mobile technology will support IPV6 and flat IP. It provides services similar to documentation and e-transactions and e-payments.
Keywords: IPV6, 0G,1G, 2G, 2.5G, 3G, 4G, 5G, World Wide Wireless Web, WPANs, e-transactions and e-payments