Abstract: Procurement in Afghanistan has been overseen by a number of commissions and independent bodies, as well as the National Procurement Authority, that served as an office of the President. The award and implementation of projects has been a challenge throughout the procurement process, however, there have been specific factors and challenges that affected the successful implementation of IT and ICT projects in Afghanistan. These factors have caused the complete shutdown of the projects, delay in the timeline and signing off, compromise to the quality of equipment and compromise to the quality of implementation in the projects. In any case, the factors have proved to affect successful implementation of IT and ICT Projects in Afghanistan. In this study, the administrative, political and technical factors that have affected successful implementation of IT and ICT projects in Afghanistan, with possible recommendations and scope for future researchers.
Key Words: Information Technology Projects, Information and Communication Technology in Afghanistan, IT and ICT, Factors affecting successful implementation of IT Projects, Procurement of IT and ICT projects in Afghanistan, Success of IT and ICT Projects