Abstract: Mobile internet will help the farmers to sell their products directly to consumers and food processing industries. This paper provides market information to a farmer using its easy interface on the mo- bile application. The mobile application is intended to be used for fast and updated information delivering system for farmers. Also, it has native language support to make the transaction easy for farm- ers. The mobile application treats farmers as a seller and a buyer. The intention behind this paper is to help farmers so they buy or sell their agriculture goods and products. Market prices provided by data.gov.in lets the system to keep the selling and buying prices in control. As the products are to be browsed and there may be plenty of products for the user. To make browsing easy many filters can provide. Farmers face many problems while selling their goods and products, this system promises to provide an easy and recreational way to sell the products. The system lets the farmers to sell goods at a reasonable price and makes business even fair and transparent. Consumers are the opposite side of the same coin. This system lets consumer to choose from a wide variety of products, select the prod- uct as per their requirement and also to apply price filters. Location is a one of parameter for consumer and producer while selling or buying their product it will helps the user to get the product nearby their location. The basic objective of the system is to considers every one need and full fills their requirement with fair and transparent agriculture business.
Keywords: Agriculture, Farm Assistant, Dealer, Customer, Shopping cart, Java, Android, Agricultural Products