Abstract: This application is used for terminate the corruption. There are a lot of files in the computer , it is very difficult to find a file. For that, the file tracking system is an application designed to track every task in the software development lifecycle. The client can easily upload and download files and track any file without any difficulty. This application based on two modules admin and User, Admin can see the all files created by the user and Sometimes someone wants to do corruption , he does not even send the file forward, in a way the file is stopped. Admin direct can send mail or message to the user of that department and ask why this file is stuck for so long, what is the reason for keeping it for so long and the user will have to tell about file to the admin. In this way the corruption will stop because the Admin can see each and every movement of the file, so the user will not even hold the files and will approve the file and pass it on to the next receiver.