Abstract: Food waste refers to any food that is discarded, lost, spoiled, or not consumed for various reasons throughout the food supply chain, from production to consumption. So the food waste is discarded in landfills which are decomposed to produce methane, a potent greenhouse gas that contributes significantly to climate change. Wasted food represents economic losses for businesses, from the primary producers to retail establishments, impacting the overall economy. The production, transportation, and processing of food involve significant resources such as water, energy, and land. While food is wasted, there are still millions of people facing food insecurity and hunger globally. The issue of wasted food and excess food presents both a challenge and an opportunity for positive change. the proposed project leveraging OPTICS (Ordering Points to Identify Clustering Structure) for donating leftover food to needy people using machine learning to collect surplus food from major generators and redistribute it to those in need. It is a density-based clustering algorithm that helps identify dense regions in data, making it suitable for tasks where data points form clusters of varying shapes and densities. Implement strategies to divert food waste away from landfills, reducing the production of methane and other harmful greenhouse gases.
Keywords: Food waste, donation, machine learning, sustainability.