Abstract: The start of 6G wireless communication letters a transformative leap in connectivity, offering unparalleled rapidity, ultra-low latency, and massive capacity. Central to this evolution is cooperative communication, which leverages collaborative strategies among multiple nodes to enhance network performance. This paper provides a comprehensive exploration of the functionalization, evolution, challenges, and applications of cooperative communication within 6G networks. By examining the underlying principles, potential benefits, and inherent challenges, we aim to shed light on the critical role cooperative communication will play in the advancement of wireless technology. Our analysis underscores the transformative impact of these collaborative approaches, highlighting their potential to address key issues in connectivity, reliability, and efficiency, thereby paving the way for a more robust and versatile 6G network infrastructure.

Keywords: Cooperative Communication, 6G, Wireless Communication, Wireless Networks

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2024.13719

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