Abstract: This project is based on a proposal for home automation using voice via Google Assistant. We saw many home automation technologies introduced over these years from Zigbee automation to Amazon Echo, Google Home and Home from Apple. It has become a craze these days. Google Home price is around 150$ (USD) with an additional cost of the devices to be connected to, the total cost of the system reaches over 250$ (USD). Apple Home Kit too is pretty more expensive, Siri, voice assistant by Apple is priced around 145$ (USD). Similarly, Belikin’s Wemo light is priced around 44$ (USD) per unit and this can be controlled both by Siri and Google Assistant. So, overall we can see here that to make our home smart we need to invest quite a lot, let’s say some 250$ (USD) for a basic setup. What if we can automate our house within (cost of the Smartphone is not included as it is assumed to be owned by every individual these days) 10$ (USD) and can control up to 8 appliances using Google Assistant? Well, this project describes the implementation of such a system. The system is implemented using ordinary household appliances Natural language voice commands are given to the Google Assistant and with the help of IFTTT (If This Then That) application ,also the Blynk application the commands are decoded and then sent to the microcontroller, the microcontroller in turn controls the relays connected to it as required, turning the device connected to the respective relay On or OFF as per the users request to the Google Assistant. The microcontroller used is NodeMCU (ESP8266) and the communication between the microcontroller and the application is established via Wi-Fi (Internet).and we can also control the electric consumption by using ultrasonic sensor and relay ,when ultrasonic sensors detect an object with a certain distance the electric bulb will glow and till when that object moves away from ultrasonic sensors the bulb will automatically off after certain amount of time and if Ultrasonic sensors will detect an object again it will glow again, so that we can save lot of energy.
Key Words: Home Automation, NodeMCU (ESP8266), IFTTT (If This Than That) Application, BlynkApplication,