Abstract: Purpose of this application is to design, build and deploy a Hyperledger Fabric based Blockchain application namely “CBFT Application” having the ability to query from the banks network’s data that is available as part of the blockchain (Reading bulk data from the Blockchain), query any one of the banks network’s data that is available as part of the blockchain (reading individual record or data from the blockchain), add a new bank, customer, forex value data and verify that these values get added successfully into the blockchain (writing new records into the blockchain and its verification) and pay from any one of the banks’ customer account to any other bank’s customer account across the available banks in the network effectively using the applicable forex rates without any third-party involvement (cross border fund transfer (CBFT)). further verifying the successful transfer of the fund across the customer accounts.
Keywords: Blockchain, Hyperledger Fabric, Cross Border Fund Transfer, Bank, Forex.