Abstract: As we know India is minute most populated country and contains a broad youth populace, these days youth are warm of bikes and since of plan, they ignore wearing defensive cap. Since of these, bike mischances are extending day by day which causes passings. Major passings are due to head wounds which can be dodged by wearing a head defender. Failed and drive cases are getting to be more, which causes mischances and due to require of carelessness where an incident happens and people are gnawing the clean. These events made us make a quick defensive cap utilizing web of things which decrease the disasters and chance of passings, which has taking after highlights, the bike starts because it wereon the off chance that the rider wears a defensive capon the off chance that the rider is over failed at that point the begin will be actually off. and on the off chance that any disaster happens at that point through appear will send the alert message to the concerned watchmen. The objective of the sharp defensive cap is to supply a suggests and gadget for distinguishing and declaring disasters. Sensors, and cloud computing establishments are utilized for building the system. The disaster revelation system communicates the accelerometer values to the processor which ceaselessly screens for unconventional assortments. When an accident happens, the related focuses of intrigued are sent to the emergency contacts by utilizing a cloud based advantage. The vehicle region is gotten by making utilize of the around the world arranging system. The system ensures a tried and true and rapid transport of information relating to the incident in honest to goodness time and up dated to cloud which are gotten to by IOT.