Abstract: The artificial intelligence makes significant use of face recognition. In this study, we employ cutting-edge technology to recognize the many faces included in the image. Locating missing children in cities, towns, etc. and tracking down offenders who have escaped from prison. By uploading photos of criminals from the criminal department's database as well as more recent photos of criminals arrested in recent crimes, this project makes it easy for the crime branch to identify offenders. In the proposed research, we will identify faces in photos using machine learning techniques including HAAR (High Altitude Acute Response), facial landmarks, and CNN (Convolution Neural Network algorithm). This algorithm can operate in real time and can recognize faces in photos regardless of their size or position. The user's old image and fresh image are submitted into this system, which then determines whether or not the two images match. This technology will make our society more secure while reducing crime.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2024.13728

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