ABSTRACT: License, Insurance Certificate, RC Book, Pollution Certificate all these things are required for every individual so that we need to submit these documents when it is needed. So, we decided to create the QR-Code and dump all these in QR code so that whenever we need to access these, we can do it in an easier way.
We are living in a world where everything is digitalized to keep the human effort to minimum. In such a world we are still using the hard copies of RC book, Pollution certificate etc. By carrying these there may be a possibility of damage to the certificate and we may not carry them with us sometimes.
Authenticating these proofs by a traffic police may take some time and sometimes we may be in a hurry. In order to simplify this problem, we are proposing a solution which is to store the soft copies of all the required documents in a QR. By providing a QR which contains all the required documents we can easily carry them and it is to use them when it is needed.
KEYWORDS: QR code, Documents, Website, Traffic Police, Citizens.