Abstract: Drowsiness detection has many implications including reducing roads traffic accidents importance. Using image processing techniques is amongst the new and reliable methods in sleepy face. The present pilot study was done to investigate sleepiness and providing images of drivers' face, employing virtual-reality driving simulator. In order to detecting level of sleepiness according to the signal, information related to 25 drivers was recorded with imaging rate of 10 fps. Moreover, on average 3000 frames was analysed for each driver. The frames were investigated by transforming in grey scale space and based on the Cascade and Viola & Jones techniques and the images characteristics were extracted using Binary and Histogram methods. The MPL neural network was applied for analysing data.70% of information related to each driver were inserted to the network of which 15% for test and 15% for validation. In the last stage the accuracy of 93% of the outputs were evaluated. The intelligent detection and usage of various criteria in long-term time frame are of the advantages of the present study, comparing to other researches. This is helpful in early detection of sleepiness and prevents the irrecoverable losses by alarming.
Keywords: Drowsiness, Driving, Image Processing.