Abstract: Despite of being a very important part of human life, healthcare is lagging in the modern, or technological progress. Different sectors like food industry, e-commerce, etc. nowadays are quite up to date from the technology point of view. But if we observe carefully, healthcare sector is still implementing the traditional ways. We can order some food in just some seconds but have to wait for a medical appointment to a doctor. It is very important to draw an attention in the healthcare sector.If a chatbot is introduced in the healthcare industry, it can be proved as one the best solutions and a big change. Healthcare chatbots will never replace the doctors. But they can provide n number of opportunities to facilitate their job or to improve their performance. The healthcare chatbot is based on the Natural Language Processing (NLP), which helps users to submit their problems about their health. People can ask any personal query related to their health care through the chatbot without being out physically available at the hospital. The major concern of a system behind developing this web-based platform is analysing the customers’ sentiments.
Keywords: Chatbot, Healthcare, Artificial Intelligence, NLP.
| DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2023.12362