Abstract: A Computer Network consists of many interconnected nodes, sharing resources linked through communication channels. Routers are placed at the nodes, forwarding the packets in the network. The packets are guided to their destination through the shortest path as defined by the dynamic routing protocol configured on the routers. In this paper, we have considered a network consisting of routers placed at the nodes, linked by serial interfaces. OSPF is configured on the network for the packets to reach the destination through the shortest path. Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) is a dynamic and classless routing protocol. We have used Variable Length Subnet Masking (VLSM), during IP addressing in the network. The network is password protected and encrypted. Any router can be remotely accessed using Telnet. We have used GNS 3 to build the situation and solve the problem. In this paper we also illustrate the setting of CTY, TTY, AUX and VTY password, create interface loopbacks to test the advertisement by OSPF routing protocol configured on each router and other aspects of OSPF routing protocol.
Keywords: Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) routing protocol, Autonomous System (AS), CTY, TTY, AUX and VTY,password protected, VLSM (Variable Length Subnet Masking), encrypted and GNS 3