Abstract: Cloud computing is advanced technology, provides a road map to access the applications over the net. Cloud client and information owner customise applications through web. Because of storing Brobdingnagian quantity of knowledge on cloud, there could also be several problems associated with the protection in cloud network. To describes a privacy conserving cluster ways, homomorphic cryptography schemes which will run on a typical high performance computation platform, like a cloud system. In existing system offers a privacy conserving distance matrix calculation for many cluster algorithms. The privacy model is to applying part homomorphic cryptography ways to make a probabilistic classifier victimisation the acute learning machine rule and created the privacy-protected version of the ELM rule, that constructs a classification model by making an equation.
In proposed model could be a privacy-preserving methodology victimisation the Paillier cryptography system for outsourced sensitive datasets. The consumer builds a final cluster model with aggregation of every encrypted distance matrix calculated at each party. Additionally work, so as to forestall information speech act from the model, the model itself ought to even be encrypted victimisation homomorphic cryptography algorithms. To permit the consumer to use the encrypted cluster model, new K-HUB cluster models square measure developed.
Keywords: Clustering; Homomorphic cryptography; Machine learning; Paillier encryption.