Abstract: Supply Chain Management can be defined as the management of flow of products and services, which begins from the origin of products and ends at the product’s consumption. It also comprises movement and storage of raw materials that are involved in work in progress, inventory and fully furnished goods. The main objective of supply chain management is to monitor and relate production, distribution, and shipment of products and services. This can be done by companies with a very good and tight hold over internal inventories, production, distribution, internal productions and sales. Today, supply chain management, is one of the most important usable ways by modern companies to earn competitive benefit. Information technology has had very important effect on its development. Also, supply chain, is one of the management substructure bases in electronic business. Supply chain management basically merges the supply and demand management. It uses different strategies and approaches to view the entire chain and work efficiently at each and every step involved in the chain. Every unit that participates in the process must aim to minimize the costs and help the companies to improve their long term performance, while also creating value for its stakeholders and customers. This process can also minimize the rates by eradicating the unnecessary expenses, movements and handling. Since supply chains may be long, complicated and including a lot of foreigner, partners are faced with problems that carelessness to them will cause dissatisfaction of customers and losing sale. This management widely is supported by information technology. After a brief discussion on different parts of supply chain management, this paper tries to turn existing problems in this chain and presents a classification of the different ways in which companies use IT in SCM (Supply Chain Management) and usage of information technology in it.
Keywords: Supply Chain Management, movement and storage of raw materials that are involved in work in progress, inventory and fully furnished goods, IT in SCM (Supply Chain Management), minimize the costs and help the companies to improve their long-term performance, the unnecessary expenses, movements and handling.