Abstract: This paper examines the pivotal role of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in the hotel industry and presents strategies and technologies to augment CRM practices. Amid escalating competition in the hospitality sector, hotels are prioritizing the cultivation of enduring guest relationships to foster loyalty and drive revenue. Effective CRM empowers hotels to personalize guest experiences, elevate satisfaction levels, and bolster profitability. This study addresses the challenges inherent in CRM system implementation within hotels and proposes remedies such as data analytics and mobile applications.

Introducing Insync CRM as a comprehensive solution, this paper showcases its user-friendly interface and customizable features, enabling seamless lead management, sales pipeline tracking, and customer relationship nurturing. By embracing holistic CRM strategies and harnessing advanced technologies like Insync CRM, hotels can maintain a competitive edge and deliver unparalleled guest experiences.

Keywords: Customer Relationship Management, Hospitality CRM, Guest Satisfaction, CRM Strategies, CRM Technologies.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2024.13921

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