Abstract: Based on the surveys conducted water management has become very difficult and the issues are arising frequently because of insufficient supply of water resources and degradation in water quality. So we have to effectively utilize our water resources efficiently by real time monitoring of water quality parameter to differentiate the quality of the water. Some areas in a city will have stable supply of water resources while compared to other cities based on the supply channel. This is due to some problems in the distribution line such as defects or cracks in pipeline caused by over pressure or low water pressure where in water cannot reach consumers located on a high-ground areas or far away from the pumping stations or water tank. All of these issues concerning water distribution arise because on lack of real time monitoring of these water resource and also because of complex manual testing procedures and time taken by it. Today, cities are now transforming rapidly and people rather concern themselves about their comfort regarding the issue. As they participate for economic advancement and our standing regarding their contribution in saving these natural resources, water has become a priority in their checklists. Creating water sustainability requires a multidisciplinary approach. It also requires awareness and state of the art facilities to be given by the national authorities which can give a significant boost to these movements regarding water management.
Keywords: IoT, Water quality, monitoring, pH, detection.