Abstract: Land mine detection is vital throughout warfare to deploy armed vehicles with detection technology within the enemy territory. The increasing threats of terrorism have necessitated the development of advanced technologies for the timely detection of explosive devices. This study introduces a novel approach to landmine detection using wheeled mobile robots equipped with a sensor integration of metal detectors, IR sensors and ESP32 micro controller. The proposed system leverages the sensitivity of IR sensors to detect a temperature spike to enhance the efficiency and safety of landmine detection operations. The mine detection system comprises a lightweight metal detector mounted on a custom-designed mobile robot chassis. The metal detector is configured to identify metallic components commonly found in explosive devices. The mobile robot is equipped with autonomous navigation capabilities and, enabling it to cover large areas rapidly and transmit data to a ground control station. Moreover, an IR sensor is also used to detect heat spikes which are normally emitted by the buried mines.

Keywords: Metal Detector, IR, ESP32, Sensor Integration.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2024.13707

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