Abstract: Depression is a major illness that is found in people of all the ages. It can be caused due to a various of reasons. This kind of illness needs constant supervision which is a major problem. This tends to cause multiple chronic issues that needs to be taken care of with constant monitoring of the patient. In this paper we have proposed a system which monitors the depression levels of the patients using the application that is being developed which records the video clips of the patient periodically and are processed using image processing, Deep Learning and Neural networks by this it concludes the depression levels. The ECG (Electrocardiogram) system constantly monitors the ECG graph and reads the patient’s heart condition and BPM (Blood Pressure Monitoring) sensor will monitor the heartbeat rate. The location of the patient can be traced via GPS in emergency situations.
Keywords: ECG (Electrocardiogram), BPM (Blood Pressure Monitoring), GPS (Global Positioning System), Deep Learning, Neural Networks, Image Processing