Abstract: With expanding individuals of India, developing speed of birth and diminishing demise rate because of progress in the clinical field it's seen that measures of specialists are less to serve the need of the developing individuals. The current situation can be better seen while strolling around the nearby's association clinical offices where the less accessibility of the specialists is the basic reason for the not great treatment of the patients and in unequivocal situation the resultant end. Eventually even specialists can submit botch in giving the right treatment accomplish passing of patient. To experience such cases there is a need of the sharp and Intelligent chatbot who can provide guidance to the prepared experts and eventually, even patients concerning what to do in such cases which at last accomplishes the saving the presence of various individuals. The AI set up clinical chatbot in regards to which this subject is based courses of action with giving clinical allure in such situation considering the way that eventually specialists could submit bungle while seeing the delayed consequences at any rate the machine which is unequivocally committed for it can't submit such error. This AI based clinical chatbot can recognize choice as shown by the deals of the patient. For this, it utilizes its own educational assortment and in express situation where something isn't open in its enlightening assortments per the mentioning of the client, it collects the data from the web crawler like Google and give it to the client.