Abstract: Conversations between those who have trouble speaking and the normal person have always been a difficult task. Gestures and sign language are considered as the most natural expressive way for communications between dumb and normal people. By adopting tactics that involve glove-based hard of hearing correspondence systems, this smart glove will allow vocally handicapped persons to communicate with normal people using their sign language. Every glove contains a signal within. The gesture module adjusts the flex sensor and accelerometer resistance relative to each unique gesture. This device is controlled by a microcontroller that has been Python-programmed. The structure also incorporates a text-to-talk converter that converts the intended actions, such text-to-voice output through a speaker, and also outputs the same in the phone over Bluetooth. With automatic message notification to the concerned, this prototype also has features for health monitoring and detecting human body temperature and heart rate.

Keywords: Flex sensors, Bluetooth Device, micro-controller, Internet of Things, Health Monitoring, Raspberry Pico, LCD Display, APR 9600, Temperature Sensor, Heart Beat Sensor, Speaker, Analog to Digital Convertor, MEMS acceleration censors

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2023.12203

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