Abstract: E-Healthcare systems have recently developed a considerable attention for service providers of health care and their consumers. They are classified into different categories such as electronic healthcare records, and personal records. The healthcare records focus especially on information storage and exchange of information. Users of healthcare applications are facilitated by the Access to health information systems, such as electronic records, patient test reports, personal health record banks, real-time data from wearable sensors, monitoring devices, and Internet of things (IoT) systems. The usage of healthcare systems has increased greatly due to belief of patients in health data. The healthcare applications offer a complex set of services to many stakeholders like patients, doctors, nurses etc. Each stakeholder has his own objectives. Thus, the context, and domain of the healthcare application become overwhelming. This leads to more complexity in terms of development. Compared to the conventional creation of non-healthcare applications, developing healthcare applications as monolithic systems based on SOA is more complex, time-consuming, difficult to plan and administer, and expensive in terms of development and maintenance. The service of technical and specialized approaches in architecture style, data processing, database storage formats, and technology are reasons for interoperability issues in healthcare applications. This project develops a framework of micro services for the development of healthcare services using cloud computing infrastructure. Microservices based techniques provide lightly coupled and fine-grained methodology. This paper presents a micro-services technique that improves performance, scalability, and efficiency. This study develops a methodology for developing and implementing cloud-based healthcare apps in an appropriate manner. As a result, it supports both system analysis and system design. Both quantitative and qualitative results are presented that highlight the benefits of the microservices strategy.
Keywords: Micro-service architecture, Cloud Computing, Spring Boot Framework, Monolithic Architecture, SOA (Service oriented architecture), Healthcare system.