Abstract: The life cycle of BSF to produce a good productive period, in conditions of warmer temperatures or above 30°C in these conditions adult flies become more active and productive. Likewise, the optimal temperature for larvae to grow and develop is at a temperature of 30°C, but at a temperature of 36°C, it has the effect that the pupae cannot maintain their life so that they are unable to hatch into adult flies. By monitoring the temperature and humidity in the area in the IoT-based BSF (Black Soldier Fly) fly cultivation cage which aims to monitor in real time with cellphones through the Telegram application. It is an attempt to condition the temperature and humidity conditions, which work automatically. Likewise, if there is a change in the light intensity variable, the process of maintaining the intensity value can be done automatically. By using NodeMCU 8266 as a microcontroller that has been programmed to monitor the temperature, humidity and lighting of the area in the drum, by utilizing the LDR sensor (Light Dependent Resistor) to determine the intensity value, and the DHT-22 sensor reading the temperature and humidity values of the area in the cage via placed in the cage, then the value obtained from the DHT-22 sensor and the LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) obtained will be sent to the Telegram application via NodeMCU 8266, then the humidity temperature value and the value obtained will be processed by the Microcontroller to carry out the watering process to reduce the temperature if there is an increase temperature above the specified threshold value and also lighting in the area inside the drum if the intensity value is below the threshold value. With this tool, it is hoped that it will make it easier for business actors to cultivate BSF (Black Soldier Fly) flies in terms of maintaining the temperature, humidity in the area in the cage to keep it stable and automation of lighting, using the Prototype method.
Keywords: Microcontroller, Black Soldier Fly, DHT-22 Sensor, LDR sensor, Internet of Things, Prototype.