Abstract: The mosque is a place for Muslims to carry out worship activities, social activities and other religious activities, one of the activities carried out by mosque administrators is financial management provided by the community. Financial management activities must be carried out carefully because financial information is very important for the community, regardless of the amount it must be accurately informed so as not to cause misunderstandings between managers and the community. The problem at this time is that there is no software for mosque financial managers and donors who are not on time in giving donations to mosques, so that it becomes a consideration for the eligibility of donors. With these problems, the researchers designed a financial management information system that can facilitate DKM administrators in managing finances and neat documentation. The Naive Bayes algorithm aims to classify data into certain classes, then the pattern can be used to estimate the eligibility of donors, so that the Mosque Prosperity Council (DKM) knows whether or not regular donors are eligible.
Keywords: Information Systems; Financial Information System; Mosque; Naive Bayes; Software