Abstract – Now-a-days, Chat application is the most common means for distant communication and to connect to individuals. Many people face language barriers during chatting, especially in a country like India where more than 22 languages are present. Our project will try to solve this issue. The proposed system eliminates the need to have a common language for text communication. In this chat application the user will be able to chat in their own language with anyone, anywhere, anytime in the world. In this research work, an application is developed to translate the text integrated to images for better communication. Further, several approaches for image-to-text multilingual translator and text to text translator are reviewed in detail. An improved methodology is proposed by bridging the gaps identified by a thorough review of the literature. Our application goes through four major phases of development including: capturing, extraction, recognition and translation. Furthermore, the Optical Character Recognition algorithm is used for high-accuracy character extraction and recognition in a variety of environments. It translates text simply by capturing an image with the user's smartphone camera, and the translation appears on the user's mobile screen in the language selected by the user. The proposed system eliminates the need to have a common language for text communication. In this chat application the user will be able to type in their own language after selecting the language of their comfort, then the text will be recognized and translated to the language opted by end user and then system will send this “translated text” with the “original text” to the end user.
Keywords—multilingual image to text translation; image extraction; recognition; OCR; multilingual chat application; text translation;