Abstract: Success and failure are part of human life. Some of us may achieve our target and some may not. Those who could not achieve their desired carrier, usually opt for a suitable alternative to settle in life. It has also been noticed that many students desired to study in their dream institutions, but on failing to fulfil the necessary admission criterion had to switch to institutions that are not so desired but available to them.
This paper consists of the development of a methodology based on Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) to predict the percentage of people who could not achieve their desired carrier/ academic institution and had to opt for suitable alternatives available to them.
Mentioned outcome(s) would simultaneously generate the percentage of the people who could achieve their target and thereby appeared to be successful in society.
Several samples of data were collected which have been used to carry out the above investigation. The first 66% of samples were used for analysis, the 34% samples were reserved for testing the accuracy of the analysis. Then 50% of samples were used for analysis and 50% samples were reserved for testing the accuracy of the analysis.
Keywords: MLR(Multiple Linear Regression), Target-career-goal, partially achieved, fully achieved, failed to achieve, Cross-fold validation, Confusion Matrix etc.