Abstract: Reviews act as a valuable source of information for decision making. Online e-commerce sites has provided their users to make their opinion about products and services. Huge amount of such opinions are publicly available in the form of reviews. Manufacturers, retailer as well as customers have great interest in customer reviews. Due to large number of reviews available on internet for analysis, it is not cost worthy to read these manually. To optimize this time consuming task there is a need of an automated system which provides summarized result of user sentiments. Opinion Mining (OM) is the field of study that analyzes people's sentiments or opinion from reviews or opinionated text.Opinion Mining can be viewed as a natural language processing task, the task is to develop a system that understands the people's language. Opinion Mining is a difficult task due to ambiguous nature of human languages( like English).
Keywords: Django, API, tweepy, NLP, heroku, textblob