Abstract: With the anticipated exponential increase in the volume of cellular traffic e.g., beyond a 1000 fold increase in the next decade, significant gains in sum throughput and Fairness index of the system are required to satisfy all the users with the excellent quality of user experience. As a potential candidate of multiple access technique for 5G, Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) can be an effective and noteworthy solution to M2M communications to serve more number of users by the same resource to achieve significant spectrum efficiency gain over conventional Orthogonal frequency division multiple access. NOMA, a novel technique can provide more satisfied level of Sum-throughput and Fairness index value to all the devices and users. In this paper, the performance of Sum-throughput and Fairness Index of NOMA technique is analysed and compared it with existing OFDMA system. Simulation results demonstrate that the NOMA technique outperforms the prevailing OFDMA technique with respect to Sum-throughput and Fairness Index of users, thus can be a potential solution for effective use of limited bandwidth constraint to suffix the need of future M2M communications.
Keywords: Sum - Throughput, Fairness Index, 5G Networks, Machine - to - Machine (M2M) Communications, Non- Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA), Orthogonal Frequency Multiple Access Technique (OFDMA)