Abstract: Currently, the people finds a car to rent via social network and make some call to car’s owner for a rent. To offer the benefits for both owner and rental, the hire car system was developed. This project was done to beat the matter of individuals to seek out a car to be easier and for the car’s owner they will manage booking made by rental through this technique. This technique includes three modules which are of rental, car’s owner and administrator. The title of this project is named “Online Car Rental System”. Car rental system primarily serve people who require a temporary vehicle, for example, those who do not own their own car, travellers who are out of town, or owners of damaged or destroyed vehicles who are awaiting repair or insurances compensation. Car rental agencies may also serve the self-moving industry needs, by renting vans or trucks or bikes, and in certain markets, other types of vehicles such as motorcycles or scooters may also be offered.The aim of the project is to create an automatic system for reserving Vehicles online and simply manage rental services by using the online based system. The project aims to create a web hire car system. We used five stages development life cycle including planning, analysis, design, implementation and use, which utilized programing language of PHP and MYSQL database.
Keywords: Online hire car, Luxuly hire car, car rental Online, Car Near Me