Abstract: The online knowledge assessment is a web application which allows and access to conduct a test online to gauge the participant’s learning and mastery over a particular subject. The assessment knowledge is a project developed to provide an easy way to develop student’s skills. This project helps users by analysing the areas where students are weak and allows tests accordingly. This project is developed in php platform. Main aim of this project is to implement a web based portal with education information which will be useful for college students. Online education is one of the fast growing filed on web where users can directly solve problems by visiting website without any help from teachers. This system increases scope of online education and online courses. Online course portal is software developed for student in schools, colleges and institutes to access online course material. The project aims at creating a courses portal for a campus/organization. This allows registered users of the system to join a course available in the site and access the materials published for the course. People can register themselves as students of a course or Faculty for the course. It facilitates to access the information of a particular course. The information is provided by the teacher for a particular course. The purpose of developing software is to computerized the tradition way of taking class
Keywords: Online quiz, Conducting test, Provide certificate