Abstract: This paper describes electoral machine which is completely automated, unbiased and online for easing the process of voting , increasing safety and decreasing the counting time The undertaking is divided on the whole into two part first one is voter registration section of voter and 2d one is of genuine vote casting phase on vote casting console. In voter registration phase the database of voter will be saved in repository which in particular includes voter’s unique identification number and finger prints information. Project consists of biometric device which will verify the identification from the database saved in repository through the verbal exchange of Wi-Fi module i.e. esp8266 and if respective voter is identified then authorization will approve to that respective voter at the equal time in other area of repository it updates the database of licensed voter to register voter is qualify to vote and to strong point ,also it will forestall the duplication and falsification of voter ;after getting authority from the repository balloting enabling sign will send from VVB via using ZigBee to balloting console for enabling vote casting for that precise voter , when voter votes then that vote will ship to repository with the assist of esp8266 and the vote casting console will be reset after the voting of every vote.
Keywords: Electronic Voting Machine (EVM), Biometric, Voting System, Voting analysis.