Abstract: First, take a look at a traditional voting system. Large space and manpower are required to set up voting booths in multiple areas around a city or village. High security has to be maintained on the date of an election. Voters have to visit the voting booth and need to stand in a long queue. Again, manpower is required for volunteering and assistance of voters at the place of voting. The Voting process is done on a manual voting machine. Vote counting is done with the manual process. Then there is a gap of a few days for results to be displayed. So if we see, here in a traditional voting system, we need a lot of manpower, energy, and time to conduct this process. Now to overcome the above-mentioned problems, we are going to develop an application called Online Voting System. Like Money transfer, Shopping, Booking, Teaching, Data sharing, Admissions, Job search, etc. So with the easy access and use of the internet, we are going to take this existing voting system to an advanced level. We are going to develop an online platform with high security so that the same process could be done easily without the waste of time, afford, and energy. The main responsibility of this project is to give simple and easy access to the election process for both the election committee as well as participants.
Keywords: Voter, Platform, Web application, Online, Election, Voting, Results.