Abstract: The Online Organ Donation Management System is developed mainly for general hospitals (GH), clinics and other health center to manage the donor registration and user maintenance. It is an online system which only can be access or valid in Malacca state. The public can retrieve information about organ donation in this web site. People who interested can register themselves through this system. An analysis study has been done based on the current manual system and all the problems statements and requirements have been identified. Moreover, OODMS is three tier architecture systems which involve client tier, business tier and database management tier. The interfaces for OODMS have been designed according to the requirement and needs of the current market Rather than that; this system also has been tested and evaluated in real life. Online Organ Donation Management System will help to improve the performance of current situation and overcome the problems that arise nowadays.
Keywords: Organ Donation, Deceased Donor, Promotion donor, Transplantable Organs
Works Cited:
Bharathy G, Mr Dinakar Jose S " Organ And Blood Donation System Using Machine Learning Xgboost", IJARCCE International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, vol. 12, no. 9, pp. 49-52, 2023. Crossref https://doi.org/10.17148/IJARCCE.2023.12906