Abstract: IDMA (interleaved division multiple access) is one of the most developing technology in modern mobile communication. It has gained widespread international acceptance by cellular radio system operators as an upgrade that will dramatically increase both their system capacity and the service quality. The core principle of spread spectrum is the use of noise-like carrier waves, and, as the name implies, bandwidths much wider than that required for simple point-to-point communication at the same data rate. Most third generation mobile communication systems are using CDMA as their modulation technique. In CDMA interleaving is used for multiplexing of several input data over shared media. In CDMA system different type of interleaving schemes are used. In this paper we analyze the performance of these interleaving schemes in multipath fading and additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels. We conclude that different interleaving schemes has different data rates and bit error rate.
Keywords: CDMA, System Model of CDMA, Interleaving, BER.