Abstract: In this paper, a composite multipath or shadowed fading environment consists of multipath fading superimposed on shadowing is considered. In this environment the receiver does not average out the envelope fading due to multipath but rather reacts to the instantaneous composite multipath/shadowed signal [6]. And the most important point is it is difficult to perform power control required for DSA based on fast fading, so it is proposed to base its solely on shadow fading with some power back off. Otherwise, the PR has to transmit pilots very often, which is not rational. There are many approaches and various combinations suggested in the literature for obtaining the composite distribution but few approaches that have been proposed to attain the objective using composite distributions.
Keywords: Antenna Selection, Fading Channel, Outage Probability, Cooperative Relay Networks, Amplify - and -Forward Relaying, Decode - and - Forward (DF), Multiple - Input Multiple - Output