Abstract: The objective performance and analysis of 3 phase squirrel cage induction motor under different mode of operation using plc technique Nowadays there has been a challenge for industries that is 3 phase induction motor control and provide protection against motors failure during operation, the industries are developing rapidly also increasing records of motor failures due to limited protection but still we are not able to provide full proof motor protection and analysis of motor failure as still fallowing old method with limited protection option but this is the module which control and analysis the motor live parameter while motor in operation condition and its completely digitized system it is monitor the condition complete protection of motor also this device provide human safety and machine safety and this is very advanced motor protection system device, this device no need external ct from measure current it has inbuilt ct arrangement, it is programmable device using this option we can control motor more efficiently and this device will completely replace the old system of motor protection
Keywords: Phase sequence changing, PLC Programming and data checking.