Abstract: Pneumonia is an acute pulmonary infection that can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi and infects the lungs, causing inflammation of the air sacs and pleural effusion, a condition in which the lung is filled with fluid. It accounts for more than 15% of deaths in children under the age of five years [1]. Pneumonia is most common in underdeveloped and developing countries, where overpopulation, pollution, and unhygienic environmental conditions exacerbate the situation, and medical resources are scanty. Therefore, early diagnosis and management can play a pivotal role in preventing the disease from becoming fatal. Radiological examination of the lungs using computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or radiography (X-rays) is frequently used for diagnosis. X-ray imaging constitutes a non-invasive and relatively inexpensive examination of the lungs. Fig 1 shows an example shows an example of a pneumonic and a healthy lung X-ray. The white spots in the pneumonic X-ray (indicated with red arrows), called infiltrates, distinguish a pneumonic from a healthy condition. However, chest X-ray examinations for pneumonia detection are prone to subjective variability [2, 3]. Thus, an automated system for the detection of pneumonia is required. In this study, we developed a computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) system that uses an ensemble of deep transfer learning models for the accurate classification of chest X-ray images.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2022.115133

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