Abstract: In this paper a proposal for e-business simple job seeker is introduced. It is aimed at developing an online e- Portal for the Placement Details for job seekers as Anyone- to- Anyone(A2A) model, a wider one of e-Business's models encompasses the entire business model of organizations (government, citizens, business, employees, customers, suppliers, partners, and value chain) such as Anyone- to- Anyone( A2A), Business-to- Consumer (B2C), Business-to- Employee (B2E) and Business-to-Business (B2B).
Electronic business (e-business) is about enabling organizations to cohesively bring together their processes and the Internet technologies for cost effectiveness, efficiency and better relationships among partners. These partners could be business organizations, customers, suppliers, government departments or citizens, e-business's concepts and technologies can be applied in various areas of everyday life including, but not limited to, businesses, industry, government and education. However, its pervasive applications are found in commerce, government and services sectors of the economy.
Index Terms: About four key words or phrases in alphabetical order, separated by commas.