Abstract: The production of grains in the world can be estimated to be in millions of tones every year. This paper focuses on major staple food grains consumed globally – The wheat, The quality and standard of the grains vary significantly due to differences in the physiological, growing conditions, crop management culture, grains management and different storage techniques. The grading of grains is based on their physical appearance and chemical characteristics. Thru the visual inspection the external features such as size, texture and color can be measured by comparing with the standards which are set by quality teams of individual countries every year.
The chemical properties can be moisture content and the amount of nutrients present in the grains. The moisture content can be measured by specified moisture meter. The amount of nutrients present in the grains, for example the protein content in the wheat can be determined using a near-infrared spectroscopy based instrument. It is necessary to develop a fast, accurate and automated system to monitor the grading factors. There may be a chance of the grain being infested (presence of insect inside the grain). This paper concentrates on different digital imaging techniques to evaluate the grains standards.
Keywords: Computer vision system, image processing, soft X-ray imaging, near-infrared spectroscopy, Spectral imaging, Thermal imaging.