Abstract: Quality of Service (QoS) refers to ability of a network to provide improved service to selected network traffic over various underlying technologies including Frame Relay, ATM, Ethernet and 802.1 networks, SONETS and IP-routed networks. The traffic through this network may include data types such as email, file sharing or web traffic. Other forms of traffic include voice and video. These are considered as sensitive forms of traffic. They often require guaranteed or regulated service. In this paper, we deal in detail with two factors affecting QoS: Congestion and Queuing. Identifying and rectifying the above problems to reduce packet loss, latency and jitter on the network is the errand for the day. Few of the Queuing Algorithms like First in First out (FIFO), Priority Queuing (PQ), Round Robin and Weighted Round Robin (WRR) are explained in brief pictorially.
Keywords: Frame Relay, ATM, Ethernet and 802.1 networks, SONETS and IP-routed networks, Congestion and Queuing, First in First out (FIFO), Priority Queuing (PQ), Round Robin and Weighted Round Robin (WRR).