Abstract: In today’s world blinds are less secure and suffering lots of problems in their life. Blinds are always dependent on someone else, even if there are certain devices to support them.Although there are many existing systems for their purpose but they lack certain features. In order to overcome this problem, This paper introduces a solution with concept of IoT based smart shoe for blind.Main features provided by this new system is outdoor navigation and indoor navigation along with obstacle detection in the path they are moving. This paper also explores behavior analytics of blind user, traffic signal identification, face recognition of known and unknown people who are communicating with blind, text to speech convention, it provides health monitoring and at crucial health situation an alert message with current location of blind will be sent to relatives and authorized doctors.Thus through the data collected from the sensors like temp, heart beat sensors. These data will be sent to both doctors and relatives. Thus it saves the life.
Keywords: GPS, Indoor Environment, IoT, Voice feedback