Abstract: The aim of this review was to explore the current evidence for conversational agents or chatbots in the field of psychiatry and their role in screening, diagnosis and treatment of mental illnesses. Technologies like Artificial intelligence, data science and machine learning are getting upgraded. The advancement in available, portable, low cost handheld device like mobile phones and availability of network connection has resulted in the user’s mobility at an unprecedented level. We evaluate different methodologies like state phase annotation, smart goal annotation, collection process, agreement results as well as annotation skills for achieving the health goals. The user has to give their health regarding queries based on that virtual assistant suggest appropriate solution. The facilities like report generation as well as scheduling assignment are provided. It will increase the interaction between humans and machines with the help of different technologies, vast dialogue ,conversational knowledge based, general knowledge based. The system using different algorithms for disease recognition, behavior abnormality detection, prediction etc. Experimental result shows that: Compared with traditional methods, the proposed method is more accurate and faster also User can get service anywhere and anytime.
Works Cited:
Dr. TEGIL J JOHN, ADI VIGNESH KV, RANIYA JUBIN, AYSHA KV " REVIEW ON: VIRTUAL ASSISTANT IN MENTAL HEALTH ", IJARCCE International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, vol. 12, no. 9, pp. 84-87, 2023. Crossref https://doi.org/10.17148/IJARCCE.2023.12913