Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics & Communication, Priyadarshini College of Engineering, Nagpur, India
Abstract: This project is developed by using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system and student card to get student attendance. Before this project, lecturers needed to use paper to get the student attendance. There were a lot of problems when using the paper as student attendance such as cheating. This project can help lecturers to reduce these problems by the design of an automatic attendance using RFID and student card. The project system runs by the process of getting the code of the student card to compare with the database in XAMPP Control Panel. Graphical User Interface (GUI) was developed using Net Beans IDE 8.1 to make the database easier to access.
Firstly, lecturer needs to fill forms in an interface like lecturer name, subject and subject code. This part is important because we need the information in this part to use in the next interface. In the next interface, lecturer needs to choose port and speed to make connection with RFID reader. After the reader is ready, process to get attendant will start. Students need to swipe their card on the reader and the code from the card will use to compare with database in XAMPP Control Panel. When the code is match with database, the student information like ID number and time will show on interface and that information will trigger into a list and it will lead to the opening of the class room door.
This list will use as a student attendance. In that list, all information like student name, ID number and time will be saved in the database of the server. If the code does not match with the database, it means that the student is in the wrong class or he (or she) is not yet registered for that course. When this happen, lecturer can register that student by using registering form and the information of that student will be update into database. This project will help lecturer taking the student attendance more easily and automatically. As a conclusion, RFID technology can be used in student attendance application.