Abstract: This paper presents design to develop robotic vehicle with an android application for remote operation provided with wireless camera for the purpose of monitoring. Real time video with night vision capabilities can be wirelessly transmitted with this robot along with camera. This kind of robot can be helpful for spying purpose in war fields. Commands are sent to the receiver for controlling the movement of the robot either to move forward, backward & left or right at transmitting end. Two motors are interfaced to the microcontroller where they are used for the movement of the vehicle at the receiving end. Any smart-phone/Tablet with android OS , upon a GUI based touch screen operation is used to have Remote Operation. There is advantage of adequate range, when receiver end Bluetooth device fed to the microcontroller drives DC motors via motor driver IC for necessary work which could be obtained by making Android application device transmitter acting as a Remote control. For spying purpose and also to have even to have spying work in complete darkness infrared lighting is used and on the robot body a wireless camera is mounted.
Keywords: Bluetooth module, Camera, Gear, Microcontroller, Robot