Abstract: The report focuses on computers' roles in digital forensics. As the world moves toward digitalization, all of these industries are incorporating digitalization into their operations. Working procedures are becoming more efficient and effective as a result of digitalization. We only need a computer or a system to use digitalization. There are some forensics software tools available that must be installed on computers in order to perform the task. It provides us with the advantage of quick operations. The use of the Internet and information communication technology is rapidly increasing in the modern world. Almost all valuable and confidential information is stored in computers or computer-based systems, and the majority of people share their personal information on social networks like Facebook. Because of the advancement of information and communication technology, there has been a significant increase in the number of computer-based or online criminals all over the world. Criminals who commit murder, kidnapping, sexual assault, extortion, drug dealing, economic espionage & cyber terrorism, weapon dealing, robbery, gambling, economic crimes, and criminal hacking, such as web defacements and computer file theft, keep files containing convicting evidence on their computer.
Keywords: Computer forensics, computer crime, digital evidence, Digital Forensic.