Abstract: In the fourth industrial revolution, all industries are installing sensor-based equipment for better manageability and performance. All these sensors continuously transmit the data and are monitored mainly by neural network-based smart systems. Due to a lack of proper knowledge, utilizing all available resources to maintain the complexity of the operation in securing the control systems is very challenging. Making decisions using traditional technology and software is more difficult to safeguard information against security threats successfully. This paper provides an overview of the artificial intelligence and cyber security implementation prospects in securing IoT-based control systems in the heavy equipment industry. Securing essential information is a concern in today’s organizations. Also, this research gave an important reason for securing Neural Network (NN) information in an organization and the benefits and methods used. The study recommends and concludes steps the organization should implement for securing the IoT and NN-based devices also indicate that the organization should contain backup for retrieving information based on the organization's competency.
Keywords: Industry 4.0, IoT, sensors, heavy equipment, AI, NN, Cybersecurity