Abstract: The aims of this study was to comprised selected personal characteristics and Analytical Skills between male and female students who newly admitted in the bachelor degree in the College . A total of 55 male English and 55 female English students were selected from various affiliated colleges of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad. The data was collected through respondents in the form self-design questionnaire from different students The data was collected through respondents in the form of different descriptive tests. The Personal Characteristics about, use of smart phone Use of Internet and Participation in sports was obtained before seeking responses. The self-design questionnaire was used to measure the Analytical Skills of the students. Result reveals that 18.18% male students reported mild stress, 27.27% male students reported moderate stress and 54.54%male students reported severe level of stress. Result reveals that 20.00% female students reported mild stress, 23.63% female students reported moderate stress and 56.36% female students reported severe level of stress. The findings of the study revealed that significant differences were found in Analytical Skills between English and other students. Male English students was to found better analytical Skills.
Key words: Gender, Analytical Skills, literature, students.